Posts in Purpose
Passion meets Purpose – Part 1

remember the moment that cooking became my purpose. We had a house full
of our closest friends and family who were over watching the most recent UFC
fight. I had been cooking and preparing for company all day and was in the heart
of cleaning up and doing dishes.  We had a somewhat open kitchen and I could
see our friends and family visiting and hanging out. I can still see their faces clear
as day. Some were engaged in serious conversations and some were talking
loudly and laughing. Kids were everywhere, of all ages. Everyone was happy and

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PurposeMIsty Rothrock
Passion meets purpose – Part 2

I cannot talk about passion and purpose without talking about my family. When I
was a little girl my favorite thing to do was to play house. I wanted to be married as
soon as possible and I wanted to have kids, ten to be exact. Of course when I started
having kids as an adult and realized that real babies are a heck of a lot more difficult
than dolls are, not to mention way more expensive, that number went down. Way

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PurposeMIsty Rothrock